We decided to automate the payment confirmation process to meet the need to be more resilient. D-EVO GPI Basic Tracker Automation (D-GBTA) has enabled us to be more flexible, reduce the operational risks involved and ensure compliance levels with SWIFT’s requirements.
As an IT partner, we place trust in D-EVO for the availability, speed of action and technical ability they have shown us. A team of excellence.
The D-GBTA (D-EVO GPI Basic Tracker Automation) was undoubtedly one of the great achievements of BFA in 2020 regarding payments via SWIFT. In a short time, we were able to implement the credit confirmation automation project that had the full support of the D-EVO´s team that was always available to help in all the issues that were emerging throughout the process.
After the go live of the application, we started reporting about 98% of the MT103 received in less than two business days from the date of receipt of the payment which is a great victory for us because our degree of reporting is above that required by SWIFT for the bank to be compliant.
I thank the entire D-EVO´s team who directly or indirectly contributed to the desired result.
I have the pleasure of working with D-EVO since I joined the Information Systems Direction of BIR Bank. During this period, we executed several projects of great importance to the Bank, namely D-EVO Enterprise Automation. D-EVO Enterprise Automation is a major project that has enabled the automation of internal business processes and flows maximizing application throughput and reducing the risks associated with operator intervention.
The D-EVO team has always been responsible for the excellent and prompt response to all our requests. I thank all of you for the tireless support you have given to BIR Bank.
uno Marques, BIR Bank (DSI)