D-EVO resumed its activity with a Team Building event.

We decided to “push away” the frustrations that confinement brought us with a paintball activity in which, literally, we were able to give colored shots to each other.

We were already longing for each other and this event, which brought together part of our team (following all the safety standards recommended by the DGS), allowed us to return in a healthy and cohesive way to our activity.

After a very good morning at the “Emboscada” Adventure Park, to whom we thank the professionalism and availability, we relaxed a little, between laughter and comments about the bruises that we all won.

Yes, we left this event with a lighter spirit and full of desire to “push away” the recent past and move forward with enthusiasm.

We are full of ideas ready to increase the profitability of your business with you!

Count on our consultancy processes to transform and thus boost your activity.

We are D-EVO TEAM!

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