Most financial institutions around the world will soon have to replace current message formats as a result of the migration or planned implementation of the ISO 20022 standard.

To support this process, D-EVO has developed a translation platform with the most modern technologies and already thought for the future, with the integration of Business Intelligence. Totally agnostic to the platforms it has to communicate with, it works with any Core-System, Complaince, Trade or Reconciliation platform. Why make changes to all your legacy systems when you can concentrate translation on this powerful solution and thus minimize your investment and maximize your return!

D-EVO’s translation platform has the advantage of communicating with all the institution’s platforms, including Core-System and all legacy systems, eliminating the cost of upgrading each of these platforms to the ISO 20022 format. D-EVO Translator does this work for your institution.

For more information about D-EVO Translator

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